JAW - Jewish Awareness Week
JAW stands for Jewish Awareness Week
Here you will find, what does JAW stand for in University under Academic & Science category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Jewish Awareness Week? Jewish Awareness Week can be abbreviated as JAW What does JAW stand for? JAW stands for Jewish Awareness Week. What does Jewish Awareness Week mean?Jewish Awareness Week is an expansion of JAW
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Alternative definitions of JAW
- John A Warmink
- Just Add Water
- Just Another Web
- Junior Achievement Weekly
- Just Another Web
- Junior Achievement of Wisconsin
- Junior Achievement of Washington
View 15 other definitions of JAW on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- JARCCIL Jane Addams Resource Corp. in Chicago, IL
- JARCE Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt
- JARCS John A. Reisenbach Charter School
- JARE Josiah Allen Real Estate
- JARELB Johnson Associates Real Estate Ltd. Brokerage
- JARG Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics
- JARGON Junky Acronymic Recondite Grandiose Overblown Names
- JARGONISE jargonised
- JARI Junior Achievement of Rhode Island
- JARIB Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Board
- JARIC Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre
- JARII Junior Achievement of Rhode Island Inc
- JARJ Jardine Math.jr
- JARL J. A. Russell Limited
- JARLY Jardine Matheson Holding, LTD.
- JARMC Jeff Anderson Regional Medical Center
- JARMEE jar” Mee
- JARN Joint Air Request Net
- JARP joint analysis review panel